Molecular Biology

Automated NGS Library Prep Ligation Efficiency of NxSeq Sample Preparation Using the Gilson PIPETMAX® 268
PLATEMASTER® and EXTRACTMAN® Rapid Enrichment and Clonal Selection of CRISPR Modified Cells
Rapid purification of DNA fragments using Gilson EXTRACTMAN® and Macherey Nagel NucleoMag® PCR
EXTRACTMAN®: Rapid Yet Gentle Purification of Protein-Ligand Complexes
EXTRACTMAN®: Rapid, Reproducible DNA Extraction with High Yield
Sample Integrity in qPCR: Using PIPETMAX® qPCR Assistant to Minimize Contamination
One qPCR Protocol Executed on Three Liquid Handlers: Gilson PIPETMAX®, Hamilton Microlab® STAR™, and Tecan Freedom EVO® 100
Case Study: An Interview with Yun Zhao, Admera Health: Using Connected Tools in the Lab
Case Study: The First Steps of Digitalization and Interoperability in the Analytical Lab

Items 51 to 59 of 59 total

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